Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dem Hailed as Working-Class Hero Lived Off Wealthy Parents Into His Late 40s


Democrat Lieutenant Governor , known for wearing shorts and hooded sweatshirts as part of his “blue collar” campaign for a U.S. Senate seat, actually lived off an allowance from his parents until his late 40s, The Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

Despite the 's narrative of Fetterman as a candidate from working-class roots, he actually grew up in a wealthy suburb of York, Pennsylvania with insurance executive parents. (RELATED: Doctors Speculate Democratic Senate Nominee May Be Hiding True Health Condition)

Though Fetterman holds three college degrees in business and finance, including an MBA from Harvard — and had full access to six-figure employment through his family's corporate ties — he lived off an allowance from his parents until his late 40s.

“(H)is main source of income came from his parents, who gave him and his family $54,000 in 2015 alone,” The Inquirer reports.

Fetterman does not appear to have held a steady job until winning the Democrat primary for mayor of Braddock by one vote. Fetterman has been assigned to do social work in Braddock as part of Barack Obama's “AmeriCorps” program. The job pays $150 a month. (RELATED: Democrat Frontrunner Changes Story About Holding Black Jogger at Gunpoint)

Fetterman's family even bought him his house, at age 49, selling him for $1 a loft his sister had purchased six years earlier for $70,000, The Inquirer reports.

“Fetterman now earns $217,610 as lieutenant governor, a job he started in 2019, and his family's assets top $700,000,” The Inquirer reports.

Fetterman's apparently fake persona is an issue now that he is locked in one of the nation's tightest U.S. Senate races. He currently leads the Republican nominee, TV doctor Mehmet Oz, to succeed retiring U.S. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). Fetterman currently leads Oz by an average of 8.9 percent in taken over the last eight weeks, which would flip a Republican-held seat to Democrat.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Top Democrat Senate Nominee Fetterman Signed Agreement to Outlaw Oil and Gas Development >>

Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. Well then it is Time that the Proto-type(example)Human being meet an Actual Working Class Human Being, so that it is known what it takes to live a well earned Life! A life where Wisdom & Knowledge & the Strength of the Human Spirit Lives. As them to step out & see what it actually takes to Survive. The Hunter’s & the Gatherer’s ask the Rich & Famous to be real once & for all & step into the World to verify if their so called Policies work for them! Live it-Love it or leave it! To see if their policies are a success or a failure! The success’s or failure’s are their’s to own & not a burden to bear by the Recipient’s (We-the-People) of the World.

  2. Too bad someone who is a “faker” has the lead. I had financial support from my parents until I got out of medical school and started getting a stipend from the hospital I was training at. More than enough to take care of me as I was single and in a nice small apartment that cost me $125.00 a month. Went up to $165.00 a month when I left 5 years later. Clean building and a very good, friendly landlord and fellow tenants. That was in 1978 to 1983 in a mid-western town.
    Dr. Oz is smart. Never had time to watch his shows but anyone who went through a cardio-thoracic surgery residency has to be the “pick of the litter”. I worked with a doc who trained in cardio-thoracic but came to a small town to be a general/thoracic surgeon. I asked him, “Why did you come here.” He told me he realized that cardio-thoracic surgeons, no matter how good they are, burn-out by the time they’re 60. The surgeon I knew worked competently until he was nearly 80 in a small town. Didn’t do cardiac bypass stuff but did a lot of general, vascular and thoracic (ie. lung cancer) surgery. Yeah the younger surgeons took more call as he got older but if they got into a difficult case and wanted help, he would be there in a flash to help out and give input.
    Dr. Oz is a smart man mind you. He bailed out of C-V surgery before he burned out and moved on to the media. The people of Pennsylvania would be “Stupidheads” not to elect him. I don’t live in his state so I can’t vote for him. I would if I did. Kurt

  3. Typical Democrat living off the wealth of others and claiming to be fighting for the little guy’s man’s a troll ..

  4. The people in Pennsylvania are not very smart. They don’t do research just vote for what the nazi news outlets tell them to vote for. A lazy slacker who con the people. Your state is a mess. Been there. You let Obama destroy your state with Joe Biden help. But you voted for Biden. Stupidity strong in that state.

    • I do not know why people in the midwest still vote democrats they have been screwed by the democrats so many times yet they still vote for them. it is just stupid.


  5. I live in Pa, this clown is a total Fraud. I would love to move out of this state. Just a matter of time Pa becomes another California

  6. It used to be in this country that no one would take seriously an idiot like Fetterman. Now, all the voting idiots will vote for him due to their own stupidity. It’s a very sad day in America now.

  7. This flake sounds like another Bernie Sanders in the making…Pennsylvanians and Americans beware! Fetterman will put us all in FETTERS.

  8. another bernie sanders, except with a well-to-do background. fake pol. . .go figure. is that really a surprise? look how far biden got on his malarkey stories. . .

    • Fetterman has actually bragged more than once that he models his political philosophy after the Socialist Bernie Sanders.

  9. Another DIMM, like Bernie and Senile Joe, who has never had a REAL job in his life. And like Bernie and Joe, got RICH after becoming a politician!

  10. Fetterman been a lazy fraud all his life. Won’t do sh*t for people once elected. Good luck PA, be dumb or be gone if you vote for him

  11. I’m sure there are plenty of demonrat robots who believe this guy is “mainstream blue collar” and sweats just like they do! Hear this you walking dead demonrats, if there’s no dirt under his fingernails, he has nothing in common with you!

  12. Sen. Chuck Grassley stated Tuesday that he had received evidence from whistleblowers indicating that the Department of Justice had purposely postponed numerous key investigations.During an appearance on “The Record with Greta Van Susteren,” the Republican from Iowa stated that the department may be opening investigations with little evidence and may not be following through on certain cases due to political motivation.Concerning the difficulties with President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, Grassley stated that this extends beyond Hunter Biden. He said this speaks to more of the larger question of whether or not there are folks in the Justice Department who are closing down investigations that should be continued because of political influence. Then they’re bringing up cases with simply imprecise information.Grassley said he had provided sufficient evidence to the Justice Department to raise valid questions, and until they have those questions addressed, he can’t talk about it any longer.He went on to underline that there is evidence that investigations concerning former President Donald Trump were opened up based on claims by the leftist media. At the same time, another case involving Hunter Biden was prematurely closed down.The senator, the leading member of the chamber’s Judiciary Committee, stated that he took particular issue with an FBI agent called Timothy Thibault, who reportedly closed down a report involving Hunter Biden in October of 2020.He said that Thibault, they learned via social media, is very much a liberal, very much an ideologue, and entirely political. So, he addressed these problems with [FBI Director Christopher] Wray about a month ago, and the individual has been transferred.On Monday, Grassley first made his concerns public in a letter to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. In the letter, Grassley asserted that his office “had received many protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers. And if these allegations are true and accurate, the Justice Department and FBI are and have been institutionally corrupted.

  13. It is so sad that the voters of the once-great working class state like Pennsylvania are even considering voting in a lazy, slacker, rich mooch like Fetterman. He’s an embarrassment to working cities like Pittsburgh, Scranton, Allentown, etc.

  14. Hehehe—That’s great. Mooching off his parents has been very very good to heem. Highly educated but never held a job. No wonder he’s a Democrat.

  15. So Fetterman never learned to live within his means and earnings.
    He has always been on welfare – from the parents and then public jobs.

    How can he talk to Pennsylvanians with a straight face about RESPONSIBILITY that he knows nothing about.

    BTW – Pennsylvanians do not let him pull a Josephine R. Biden hiding in the basement during 2020 on you.

  16. Sadly, Dems are low info voters. They always spout about Biden growing up in a middle class family. Joe always throws in comments about dinner table discussions he heard as a kid, about gas prices and having a few extra dollars at the end of the month.
    In his own writings,  Joe says that over the years, his Dad owned an airport, a hotel, an auto dealership, bought a new care every year and wore custom tailored suits every day. Gee, isn’t that middle class?
    So no wonder PA Dems are falling for the fake media narrative about Fetterman.

  17. It is amazing how Democrats can lie about everything and never expecting to be caught. This sleazeball needs to be recalled and a new and conservative person elected in his place.

  18. If Pennsylvanians vote for this clown/socialist they deserve him, but the the rest of the country doesn’t !

    • Let’s not forget that he has stated numerous times that his “political role model” is the Socialist Bernie Sanders.

  19. Fetterman, who wants to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate, publicly stated that he will work to outlaw oil and natural gas exploration and production. That would eliminate 30,000 jobs in PA and devastate tens of thousands of Pennsylvania families. The guy is dangerous.

  20. Fetterman is using the same biden campaign strategy of staying in the basement of his parent’s home ( obviously where he’s comfortable ). Ever since his stroke before the primary in May, he has made very few, if any, public appearances that aren’t tightly controlled. He did one appearance at a campaign office and he looked terrible. He was shuffling his feet and slurring his words. Pennsylvania deserves better than another joe biden as a senator.

  21. He mooched off his parents and now wants to mooch off the taxpayers. It works for most of Congress, why not him?

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